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Eliza Li

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Park , Auckland   地图

Before joining the real estate industry in 2006, Eliza Li owned a business and worked in a variety of sales roles both within China and New Zealand. She is a well rounded salesperson who is capable of managing her clients’ real estate needs with skills and efficiency.

Having also attained a Masters Degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science and certificates in Travel and Tourism and Small Business Management, Eliza is more than qualified to handle tough challenges when working with clients.

Eliza is a keen traveller who is able to speak fluent English and Mandarin. She has visited more than 25 countries around the world and takes great pleasure in meeting people from a variety of cultures.

Eliza is actively involved in the Highland Park community through the local church and by being a parent helper at the schools her daughter attends. She loves living in the area for its great schools and shops.

For professional and honest real estate service, call Eliza today.

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Park , Auckland   地图