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Weili Liu

地址Cnr Dominion Road & Mt Albert Road Mt Roskill, Auckland   地图

Weili is a sales assistant for Anna Huang

Anna joined real estate in 2006 with a diploma in business computing, a bachelor of science and a master in economics. Specialising in residential real estate in Mt Roskill Anna has a wealth of knowledge to share with you.

Prior to real estate Anna enjoyed many careers including IT, education and migrant support. Her background has enabled her to develop effective skills such as communication, time management and conflict resolution skills.

Anna is able to speak fluent English and Mandarin should you require specialist language skills.

Anna’s personal experience buying, selling and building property gives her first hand knowledge of the rewards property can bring as well as extensive insight into industry. She works alongside buyers and sellers, providing solid advice and guiding them through each stage of the process.

Anna would be pleased to help with your property needs. Please contact her to see how she can help with your next property move.

地址Cnr Dominion Road & Mt Albert Road Mt Roskill, Auckland   地图