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Sarah Peng

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Par, Auckland   地图

Real Estate is a challenging and rewarding industry, which is why I enjoy it. I’m goal driven, motivated and I love helping my clients achieve their goals.

Born in China, I moved to New Zealand recently and am so pleased to have discovered the East Auckland area. Highland Park and its surrounding suburbs have many great qualities, from the schools to the shops and the many ethnic groups.

Before coming to New Zealand I completed a Bachelor of Business in Beijing and spent a few years working in real estate and sales. Since coming here, I’ve gone on to complete a Diploma in English from Unitec, Diploma in Cookery from North Shore International Academy (NSIA) and most recently, my Certificate in Real Estate.

My experience in sales and hospitality has given me excellent communication and customer service skills. I am able to deal with many different ethnic communities, and my ability to speak Mandarin means that I am able to help non-English speaking Chinese locals and investors.

I have an interest in all types of properties but I have a particular interest in development. I also have a personal interest in architectural design.

Whether you want to sell your home and move on, or are looking to purchase a home in the area, it would be my pleasure to speak with you.

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Par, Auckland   地图