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Kevin Qian

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Park , Auckland   地图

Always looking for a new and exciting challenge, Kevin was attracted to the real estate industry after working for over ten years in the courier industry. Originally from China, he moved to New Zealand fourteen years ago and is now a long term resident of Howick. Having resided in this area for over a decade, he has established a wide network of friends and connections and a strong knowledge of the local residential property market.

Kevin’s passion now lies in the huge job satisfaction he receives when his clients are happy. He is proud of working for Barfoot and Thompson - a company with a long established reputation of excellent customer service. Fluent in both English and Mandarin, he is always seeking to deliver top class service and to help clients in any way he can.

Previous experience with renovating provides him with the skills to maximise the presentation and appeal of your home. A background in customer service also means that Kevin has strong communication and negotiation skills, and is always patient as he works with people.

For a salesperson who will work hard and smart to deliver the best service, contact Kevin today.


“My passion for this area is simply because it is a good location with a great community. I am committed to helping my clients and making their work with me as convenient and easy as possible.”

I look forwards to hearing from you, and can be further contacted on the details provided.

地址Cnr Pakuranga Rd & Dunrobin Pl Highland Park , Auckland   地图