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Joanne Yu

地址871 New North Road Mt Albert , Auckland   地图

It’s no surprise that Joanne Yu has risen so quickly in real estate. This is a woman who excels at everything she does, including negotiating the best sale possible for her clients.

Joanne is the number two sales person at her office, and intends to be at the top again in the coming year. In previous careers she was a top-selling travel agent and in her native China was a high-ranking TV journalist.

Her personal determination to succeed is made possible with hard work and an innate selling talent. She has a passion for houses and a fierce loyalty to her clients. Honesty and a commitment to superior service ensure that she makes long-term relationships, not just short-term gains.

Joanne quickly and astutely identifies what clients and cusotmer want, ensuring that no time is wasted in making perfect property matches. She has an excellent memory, a wide network of buyers to introduce to your property and strong local knowledge.

Good listening skills and a trustworthy manner make people feel immediately comfortable with Joanne, and enable her to cross cultural barriers. Having lived in New Zealand for nine years, she is able to unravel the complexities of selling and buying property for those unused to the process.

When she’s not working, Joanne spends time with her accountant husband and young daughter.

地址871 New North Road Mt Albert , Auckland   地图