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unicef (united nations children's fund)new zealand acts as an advocate for children in new zealand and around the world. We are also a fundraising organisation for emergency and disaster situations as well as long-term development in the poorest countries.


Confidential Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0508 744 633


新西兰中华青年联合会是由在新西兰生活和留学的青年人所自发组织的非营利性民间团体,联合会以新西兰中华青年为核心力量,注重团结新西兰各民族青年和社会组织。 新西兰中华青年联合会旨在引导中华青年积极健康地在新西兰生活,学习和工作;鼓励青年人融入并参与社会公益活动,努力为青年提供健康成长、奋发成才的机遇;团结大陆,港澳和台湾中华青年,加强其对中华文化和民族价值的共鸣,共同发展同新西兰各民族青年的联系和友谊,正面宣传新西兰中华青年的良好形象。

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