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收录于: 2014-02-28  贡献者: 天维网友klwss  浏览量: 约5589次


All Restricted Building Work (RBW) must be carried out or supervised
by a licensed building practitioner (LBP) who is licensed to carry out or supervise the work.
LBPs are designers, carpenters, brick and blocklayers, roofers, external plasterers, site and foundations specialists who have been assessed to be competent to carry out work essential to a residential building's structure or weathertightness.

那麽,要避免刚刚假设的事情不会发生,要麽祈祷天下无贼,要麽使用“建筑施工相关的认证与服务系统” -LBP

A licensed building practitioner (LBP) can be identified by producing their photo ID licence card and by checking their details
against the public register.
If you are the homeowner it is your responsibility to make certain that the people you are using are licensed to do the work.
A building practitioner is considered ‘non-licensed’ if:
they have never been licensed
they do not have an appropriate licence for the work they’re doing
(for example, they have a Carpentry licence but are doing work they
need a Design licence for)
they do not have a current licence
they have a suspended licence
By law, a non-licensed person:
can’t carry out RBW (unless they’re supervised by a LBP)
can’t supervise RBW.



The LBP public register will help you find a licensed building
practitioner (LBP) as well as provide details on their licence history. To find the right people for your building or renovation
work you must engage an appropriately licensed LBP. Consider all the information when you choose an LBP.


The following information can be found on the public register:
Contact information
Location (such as the town, city or region)
The company or body corporate they work for
Licence class details
Suspension history – complaint disclosure and any disciplinary history from the past three years.

Complaint process
The Building Practitioners Board (the Board) hears complaints about the conduct of a licensed building practitioner (LBP). The Board can take disciplinary action against LBPs if the conduct you complain about falls within the grounds for discipline.
You can check if a practitioner is licensed using the LBP public register.
You can complain to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, (MBIE) about practitioners who are not licensed.
Neither the Board nor MBIE can award compensation. 
Complaints that cannot be made to the Board
The Board does not hear complaints about payments, commercial or contractual disputes. For example, you cannot complain to the Board when you have a dispute with a practitioner about payment and the practitioner refuses to complete the work or return to the site.


Complaints that can be made to the Board
You can complain about the conduct of an LBP if their conduct falls
within the grounds for discipline.

Grounds for discipline
An LBP can be disciplined if they:
carried out or supervised work negligently or incompetently
carried out, supervised or inspected building work that does not comply with a building consent
held themselves out to be licensed to carry out, supervise or inspect building work that they were not licensed to do at the time carried out, supervised or inspected restricted building work when they were not licensed to do so
have been convicted of an offence - before or after becoming licensed - with a prison sentence of 6 months or more that reflects badly on their fitness as an LBP or the reputation of LBP scheme
made a false declaration in writing or verbally in order to get licensed
failed to provide a certificate of work for a building consent application
failed to provide a record of work to the council or the property owner
misrepresent their competence and did work that they are not experienced and confident in doing
failed to produce their licence or notify a change in circumstances
e.g. that their licence has been suspended or cancelled conducted themselves in a manner that brings, or is likely to bring, the Licensed Building Practitioners scheme into disrepute.
See the  Building Act 2004, section 317 for more information on the grounds for discipline.
If there are no grounds for discipline your complaint will be

If you’re not sure, you may contact MBIE for advice.
